Connecting to the Raspberry Pi

By default, the cloud-init script sets up a static IP of, but you could choose to configure this to something different for each payload box.

Our usual way of connecting is by plugging an ethernet cable into the Pi and connecting it to a laptop. You can read about all the networking options here.

SSH agent forwarding

If you need to authenticate to GitHub to download code, the recommended way is using SSH agent forwarding.

To summarize the above link, you should make sure you have an SSH key setup with your GitHub account.

Test this by running ssh -T

Then modify your ~/.ssh/config file to have an entry like this enabling SSH agent forwarding:

    User ubuntu
    ForwardAgent yes

SSH’ing to your Pi

Connect to the Raspberry Pi over SSH:

ssh ubuntu@

You can test that your SSH agent forwarding is working by running ssh -T again while SSH’d into your Pi.